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Geometry for Elementary Math

Geometry for Elementary Math

Links verified on 8/31/2016

  1. 2-D and 3-D Shapes - This animation shows how 2-D shapes become the basis for 3-D shapes. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  2. Common Core Resources for Elementary Geometry - resources to guide and support mathematics teaching and learning on geometry (elementary), organized by grade level
  3. Designer Fractions - Look at a shape and decide what fraction is represented by each of the colors. Then, print the page to make your own fraction.
  4. Drawing Fun Fractions - Print this grid paper and draw your answers. Warning! These are a challenge, but fun to figure out! Or if you have a JAVA capable browser you can explore online
  5. Elementary School Geometry - vocabulary activities from Spelling City
  6. Fruit Picker - Turn the fruit picking machine to pick all of the fruit and fill the basket; easy level involves turns of 30 or 45 degrees, harder requires turns of 30, 45, 60, or 90 degrees.
  7. Fun Fractions - Brain Teaser type questions involving shapes and fractions. A link is provided for you to open a java window to draw the shapes.
  8. Geometry - from the elementary school math section of the Awesome Library
  9. Geometry Activities For Kids - kids can find geometry is fun with these geometry activities that make learning hands-on
  10. Geometry for Elementary School - a WikiBooks resource
  11. Geometry from Mr. Martini's Classroom - several review activities
  12. No Matter What Shape Your Fractions are In - find relationships between shapes with this activity
  13. Polygon Playground - arrange designs with online movable polygons - hundreds of polygons to drag anywhere you want
  14. A resource for the teacher to use in planning their lessonsShape and Space in Geometry - a Teacher's Lab from Annenberg/CPB Math and Science Project



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